How to Stay Motivated to Exercise

Nicholas Fainlight
2 min readApr 24, 2023

Staying motivated to exercise can be challenging, especially when you’re busy or dealing with other distractions. However, regular exercise is essential for maintaining good health, reducing stress, and improving mood.

Set Realistic Goals

Whether you want to build muscle, lose pounds, or improve your endurance, setting achievable goals can help you stay focused and motivated. Start by setting short-term, manageable goals, such as taking a 30-minute walk daily. As you reach these goals, develop new and more challenging ones.

Find an Exercise Teammate

Having someone to exercise with can make the experience more enjoyable and hold you accountable. You can also challenge each other to try new workouts or push yourself harder.

Mix Up Your Routine

Doing the same workout every day can get boring quickly. Mix up your routine with new exercises or classes. Change the time of day you exercise or the location to keep things interesting.

Reward Yourself

Rewarding yourself for reaching your fitness goals can be a great way to stay motivated. Treat yourself to a new outfit or a night out when you hit a milestone. These rewards can give you something to look forward to and help you stay on track.

Use Technology

Many fitness apps and devices can help you track your progress, set goals, and stay motivated. Whether you use a fitness tracker to monitor your steps or a workout app to guide your workouts, technology can help you stay on track and motivated.

Focus on the Benefits

Reminding yourself of the benefits of exercise can be a powerful motivator. Regular exercise improves mood and boosts energy levels. It can also reduce your risk of chronic diseases like heart disease, diabetes, and obesity. When you’re feeling unmotivated, take a moment to reflect on the benefits of exercise and how it can improve your life.

Make it a Habit

Try to exercise daily, whether first thing in the morning or after work. Making exercise a habit makes it easier to stick to your routine and stay motivated.

Be Flexible

Stay calm if you miss a workout or have to change your plans. Instead, find ways to be flexible and adapt your training to fit your schedule.

In conclusion, staying motivated to exercise can be challenging, but it’s essential for maintaining good health and improving your quality of life. By setting realistic goals, finding an exercise buddy, mixing up your routine, rewarding yourself, using technology, focusing on the benefits, making it a habit, and being flexible, you can stay motivated and make fitness a regular part of your life. Remember, every little exercise counts, so start small and work up to bigger goals. With time and dedication, you can achieve your fitness goals and enjoy the many benefits of regular exercise.



Nicholas Fainlight

Nicholas Fainlight is a finance and banking student currently based in London, rugby player, and water polo gladiator.